If it tastes like grass…

If it tastes like grass then it’s grass that I’m drinking

Mother mary or mother Earth,

To which mother am i speaking?

A man of the world

Man who is more animal than human being.

Wandering through cultures not searching for meaning

Knowing it’s easy to lose himself in the manners of thinking

If it tastes like grass then it’s grass that I’m drinking

Raised by the dirt that my family’s been treating

I’ll never abandon the past that chose me to listen

I drink my mother’s tea knowing she made it her mission

To brew it with love and all of her wisdom

The life that she lived was nothing sweet

so I’m drinking her tea,

Knowing that the grass that I drink

Is as sweet as the sugar we missed on.

Hell of a friend

I’m writing to you but my pen’s out of ink

draggin the words like a ghost without feet

ive said it before and you’ll hear it again

im sorry that I was the worst of your friends

it wasn’t the sadness, the high, or the drinks

it wasn’t my family, the job, or my dream

it was all me

I caused the pain, my names on the sword

I forged it with malice and thrusted it forward

I wished it was me but my soul had me cornered

this what I do man Im killing myself

im wearing all black trynna dodge all the help

alone in the desert I exile myself

hottest of summers but this feeling don’t melt

A Time to be Alive

A time everyone hates:

Taking a breath

I’m known for disappearing

I collect myself as if every life decision takes a piece of me and is tossed into the forest

Nobody wants to go into the forest with me and collect those crumbs

It’s a dark and scary place to be in for a non signifanct experience

Unfortunately, I always have to go

without the fragments of myself

I am a hollow being

The world has the advantage over me when I am so broken

I fix others before myself for I am a product of my environment

If my environment is negative, then I am negative

How can I become the influence and not the influenced?

Am I even supposed to?

I’m always a work in progress

I have developed many skills and know I have a strong confidence in my abilities

But why doesn’t my mind or soul know?

Why do I still feel the need to constantly grow?

The best answer I’ve collected is

The future

Something in the future requires me to maintain my solitude and not be engulfed by the world

It’s an easier life to go with the flow and avoid all responsibilities

Anybody could do it

But to give up on your dreams and aspirations?

That’s a world of horror

Sometimes, a break from the pursuit of goals is torture

Especially when you can only reflect about the fact that you are not where you want to be

Can’t smell roses when you’re too busy stabbing yourself with thorns along the way

A hiatus

What do I need a hiatus for?

Am I not experiencing enough in life to be busy in creating the art I love?

Am I supposed to:

1) endure long hours of backbreaking work

2) manage a life on the specturm of low income/poverty

3) market myself as a worthy individual for society to play with

4) still have time/energy for creating the art that keeps me alive?

Some volunteers of Nike tell me,

“Just do it.”

Like I haven’t been writing my whole life, pushing myself past the limits I thought would stop me, and still manage to financially support myself

Would it be selfish to believe that most of society does not go through life with so many obstacles?

That my biggest mountain is a small hill for others

Yet, I have lived a nomadic life that others could not fathom living

I don’t believe I trust our society to support me

I believe our society is programmed to keep each other down.

I don’t want to do it everyone’s way

I want to do it my way

Even if that means that I can’t help others with my art

I will live my life of freedom

I will keep developing my skills

In the shadows

far away

I will shine my own ray of light

1 million Chances

She came by to visit today.

The first thing I saw when I turned the corner of the hall is her smile as her eyes met mine.

It’s comforting to see a face that still reacts in joy to mine.

An instant portrait of positive emotions that are all for me.

I sound selfish and narcissistic when I say this,


my heart is motivated to keep beating when I feel that a part of her belongs to only me.

We didn’t talk much.

Tears flowed as she tried to touch my face.

I can only smile in these situations,


I don’t really know why.

Possibly because I have always been the one that the world looks to for comfort and guidance when they feel that they’ve been abandoned.

The one thing that cheers them up is a smile and reassurance that everything will be ok.


I smiled and reassured the world that everything will be fine,

as I felt like dying inside.

She didn’t notice my pain.

They never do.

to be fair,

I don’t really show it.

I don’t need the sympathy or pity.

What I really want is the answers to solve the problems inside of my head.

Since I was a child I’ve been looking for these answers.

I learned very early through the angry reactions of the older generations that it’s better not to ask any questions they can’t answer.

Especially if their ignorance makes them feel like they are adding poison to the mind of an already depressed child.

Each person is living life through a lens they create.


I want the lens of the woman in front of me to be filled with pleasure and joy.

We see each other once a month

…ever since the incident.

Her eyes move as fast as her lips,

as if the words are visible and she chooses them with her gaze.

As she speaks,

I stare at her lips but hear nothing they say,

my mind drifts to the problems of my life once more like a flashback of depression.


The question takes over command of my mind:

“Wouldn’t it be better if only one person at this table suffered instead of two?”


It makes sense.

Why should two people pay for the price of one’s actions?

It was me who caused the incident,

Why should she be the one crying and hurting?

I look up from her lips to her eyes,

She smiles as I make contact with them.

She always blushes as if I told her an embarassing secret.

She looks away and covers her smile with her hands.

I give her a gentle smile as well.

Its hard to admit,


she makes me happy…

I tell her:

“If I had a million chances to get it right with you,

I would try so hard to only use one.”

Her response:

She covers her whole face with her hands.

I continue to speak:

“I never thought that you would actually care about me.”

She quickly brings down her hands, exposing an expression of shock on her face.

She responds:

“How could you say that?”

I slowly look up to the ceiling with empty eyes and say:

“Because that’s how I feel,


I feel that I can be honest with you”

I don’t look down.

She says my name,

Then chokes on the three words that can change a person’s life.

With my face still pointed to the ceiling,

I raise my hand towards her.

She mimics me.

With both of our hands placed on the glass between us,

a tear begins to build up in my eyes,

so I close them.

My throat starts to feel like it’s closing in on itself.

I clear it and inhale deeply.

exhale slowly.

I choke on my words:

“I so badly wish to know how to be happy and accept your love,

but I have no idea how to be the person you want me to be.

I blame no one for making me this way because at some point,

a man has to assume the responsibilty of his own character.”

I stand up, lift my shirt to expose the scars I have been carving on my ribs:

“and I just,

am not,

that man.”

I sit back down.

“You love a man that hates himself.

You love a man that finds peace in dreams of suicide.

You love a man that believes he doesn’t deserve to be loved.”

Eyes red and overflowing,

jaw clenched and teeth showing,

Shaking her head, She slowly mouthed the words,

“I don’t care”

her throat was too tight to let the words free.

I’m sure the world to her is blurry as she tries to hold eye contact.

I’m angry all of a sudden.

My fists are clenched so tightly,

the ends of my nails begin to stab into the skin of my palms

Only one person at this table deserves to suffer”

The words are like a fire alarm going off in my head.

I slam my fists on the table and jump to my feet.

I lose complete control of myself and feel as though an entity has entered my body,

leaving me helpless,

rendering me to become a fly on the wall,

a witness to the situation,

the man,

once me,

yelling to the woman that professed her love:

“You don’t even know me!

What the fuck do you know about loving a heartless waste of life?

Whatever game you’re playing,

whatever fantasy you think we’re living in needs to stop.”

The fly on the wall feels his heart drop when he sees the woman sitting across the yelling man,

drop her head into her hands and let out a wallowing cry.

The fly looks at the man and sees a stone face with eyes of passionate fury,

as if the entity possessing it fears the woman will free the imprisoned soul within the man,

causing the parasite to no longer have a home within its favorite host.

The stone man points at the woman sitting across from him:

“Look at me.”

She looks up with red and irritated eyes.




He then points to his own chest:




As if his anger is contagious, the woman begins to look at him with an equal fury,

but suddenly,

she stopped,

as if she looked into a mirror and hated the image.

She surrendered her rage and choked up another cry.

She covers her mouth as if trying to hold back vomit.

she stands up and walks away,

relying on the walls for balance,

until she disappeared from the man’s view.

My vision went black and suddenly I was transported back into my original body.




I fall to my knees and uncontrollably cry,

as I whisper in between breathes:

” Only one person,

needs to suffer”

I convince myself to believe,

one day,

the beautiful woman that sat in front of me will find love,

with a man that knows how to accept and reciprocate it.

I know deep down in my heart and soul,

that man is not me and I refuse to lead an innocent soul into despair.

You wont even try

said a voice from within.

I respond to it:

“No. With 1 million chances, I would kill myself if I waste even 1.”

Rest Stop

“Stop here and suffer the consequences”

this freeway is an algorithm with common sense

speeding past the broken down vehicles stuck on the side of the road

Are they doomed?

Subject to suffer the silence of being ignored?

Even if I have to push my vehicle on neutral,

I will reach the rest stop.

Where I can take a second to breath,

Remind myself that life exists outside of this road

This rest stop is not the end,

No matter what the algorithm says.

No matter what the consumers are programmed to say.

I’ve traveled many miles and every adventure has a pause.

Whether to smell the roses or change a tire.

That moment is all yours

Don’t let this world rob you of your adventure.


What confirms the fact of personal growth?

When you look back and see a road with your footprints?

Or when you look forward and arent filled with the same anxiety and fear from when you started?

I would have to say the answer is when you look within,

and without…

I no longer hold shame of my dark fantasies, emotions, and images playing over, and over in my head.

I paint the world dark with my stories knowing that an individual similar to myself will appreciate the work of art

The shade I provide brings comfort to the ones that are melting under the scorching sun of positivity

Providing a fearful truth to the ignorant,

that without the shadows,

there are no details of contrast for the highlights.

Growth is not an action one takes, it’s a consequence of life that forces an individual to adapt.

One stops growing when one cannot adapt. At this point, this indivudal is now a stone who’s only hope for survival is to become the strongest, dense, and immovable object it could possibly be.

Nature is unmercifully punishing with hurricanes, tornadoes, and other forces that lift the trees with the deepest roots and erode the tallest mountains.

One would be blatantly stupid to believe they are exempt.

So yes, if adaptation is something you arent willing to accept, then become the best stone you could possibly be.

I mean no offence, in fact, I hope I provide guidance.

My father is a stone, he does not adapt to the everchanging world, but has managed a life that does not require him to.

I hope he lives happy.

But the life of a stone is not for me.

I strive for adventure, victories, and pleasures in life.

As dark as they may be, I am convinced that I have simply evolved into a being that craves the forbidden fruit.

I desire peace, not war.

I desire love, not lust.

I desire truth, not lies.

Unfortunately, desire requires sacrifice.

Thankfully, I am no stranger to sacrifice.

Happy holidays, and thank you for reading.

Family Ties

I once had a conversation

with a man,

who carried enourmous information

He told me of his life

filled with a short past,

You’re left with just crumbs

when someone robs you of your cash

His bloodline goes back a few generations

For no one knew

of anything that goes further back

“Is this why we are such great friends?” I asked,

“Because my family was cut like a branch

abandoned and tossed like it was bad.

All because a sickness took hold

of the life

of the father

of my dad.

This sickness must be the work of a witch

Because why do I sit here

feeling sick of the result of a past

that I am only a child of

Not the true owner,

But now I understand

How important it is,

how strong a tie is tied,

when its made from your bloodline.”


Hey everyone, been away but not gone. My writing has improved so much that I felt it was time to evolve my art. Please take the time to listen to my song abominal, the lyrics posted as well, I appreciate all feedback, thanks again for sticking around


You’re inside my heart

Abominal place

You caught all my love

A bomb has been laced

Covered with hugs

Depressional phase

Ill I am meant

Destroying your place

Act like the feds

And run up my plates

Falling in love

To win is the loser

Im hating this race


The women I talk to

Scratch out the flakes

Who placed the fault to the stars I been placed

Scorpio love

A heavenly place

Raising all hell

To people that fell

Boot them with haste

Clipping the dead

A master, I’m ace

Stare at my soul

I’ve welcomed my fate

Ignoring the laws

Sith in my veins


All of the growth I nurtured in you

All of the clouds I painted then blue

Play in this game, I’m playing the fool

How can you look at me like I am stabbing you, uh

Why don’t you see I’m falling in love with you, uh

Misery loving my company, why can’t you?, uh

Listen my love can be so end a less

You’re role is my love, not analyst

Hate on all wars but chose to enlist

Don’t get so comfortable, this


Love will not die

Let me inside

I am your shield When you’re trying to hide

Potion in hand, let’s drink it on five

Take me to the rooftop

I wanna see the world when I stop breathing, turnin’ blue (blue)

Tell me love is endless, don’t be so pretentious

Leave me like you do (like you do)

I’ve counted the days

I’m buried alive

My minds in a haze

I’m ready to die

Pass me the bottle

The poison inside

Cures all the pain

I’ve hidden from eyes

The blood in my veins

Is colder than ice

It burns all the woman

That try to imply

My heart is still warm

I freeze them inside

And shatter their dreams

It’s pain till I die

This is my path

Purple with circle in eyes

I still got life

Pass on this knowledge

The fool can be wise

The reaper is coming

Closing the circle to life

No home in my circle

I nomad this hole i call life

Finding my place

Like stars in the sky

Dibs on the sun

Shining like I got a reason to fly

What is my reason

I’m asking you why

committing me treason

we not intertwined?

I’ll pull out your heart

Replace it with mine

Feel all the shatter

Glass mix in wine

A couple so perfect

Why couldn’t mine?

Broken together

The joke of my life

Met you too early

Fuck all the words of the wise

They got no courage to question their mind

Liquid in spine

Bend with the wave

Not when it’s mine

Love in the truth

Lies are too easy too find

I scavenge through shadows To find all my light

There I found you

Now you see why My love is so blind

My heart in your hand

Read me the lines


Read me my lines

Take me to the rooftop

I wanna see the world when I stop breathing, turnin’ blue (blue)

Tell me love is endless, don’t be so pretentious

Leave me like you do (like you do)

Produced by @poppa (YouTube)

The Way Of The world

Salute to the time, solution of mine

digging it deeper than unsolved crimes

discover the meaning to love that is blind

ignoring the value to the weaving of signs

Art in the form

forming a heart

beating to pulp

the blood of an ox

Rising in action

reflecting the stocks

plummet the market

reduce it to rocks

flow of the world

knock it like box

Muhammad ali

A sting in the string

swing in my heart swinging the child in me

stabbed with the dagger of greedy economy

Series of ego suicides

method: lobotomy

proving the facts to hypothesis

flipping the truth like coins of dichotomy

the side of the other

opposing the view without staining the blood of the brothers

genius in mind, throne of the weight on my shoulders

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